Studio PAULBAUT Paul Kweton, AIA



The Missing Gadget



Paul Kweton,AIA

Project Synopsis

The design of this rather clumsy looking smartphone was inspired by a quarantine Start-Trek-binge-watching-marathon experience. Too many of this smartphone's technical components, the digital stretch film, linear lense projectors, etc.., have not been developed currently, but don’t seem too far fetched to imagine their possible emergence in the near future. The phone consists of two, what we call, "rails" that can be pulled away from each other via a kinetic cross-brace looking support. A ‘stretch’ film connected to both inside faces of the rails functions as a projection screen. The linear projection lenses are installed alongside the inner edges of the rails, illuminating the stretch film with digital content. The screen size can be adjusted based on the user's preference. The integrated cameras on the front and backside of the rails allow for picture taking in active and inactive mode. Active mode is when the rails are pulled away from each other and the screen is illuminated; inactive mode is when the rails are side by side, closed, and no screen is visible. The device’s frame adjustability allows easy transportation and is only slightly larger than compared to two pens in your pockets. We are not certain if Jean-Luc would have approved of this device, however, we hope this conceptual idea will trigger useful ideas in others and lead to new developments in smartphone technology.


For more information please contact us at

Disclaimer: This is a conceptual study.